



两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
其他:游戏彩蛋:语音:艾瑞莉娅 [2021/12/19 03:17] – [艾瑞莉娅语音彩蛋] yx5932其他:游戏彩蛋:语音:艾瑞莉娅 [2021/12/19 03:41] yx5932
行 8: 行 8:
 I dance not to forget but to remember.(我起舞不为遗忘,而为铭记。)\\ I dance not to forget but to remember.(我起舞不为遗忘,而为铭记。)\\
-=== 友方阿兹尔出场 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04SH003.png|阿兹尔]]出场 ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:“No mercy for those who desecrate our home.”(绝不宽恕那些亵渎我们家园的人。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:“No mercy for those who desecrate our home.”(绝不宽恕那些亵渎我们家园的人。)\\
 阿兹尔:"They will find our lands do not take well to intruders."(他们会知道我们的土地不欢迎入侵者。) 阿兹尔:"They will find our lands do not take well to intruders."(他们会知道我们的土地不欢迎入侵者。)
-=== 敌方阿兹尔出场 ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04SH003.png|阿兹尔]]出场 ** 
 阿兹尔:“War is an instrument that can make or destroy its leaders.”(战争是制造或毁灭领袖的工具。)\\ 阿兹尔:“War is an instrument that can make or destroy its leaders.”(战争是制造或毁灭领袖的工具。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:“Instruments create beauty, war ends it.”(乐器带来美,而战争扼杀美。)((注:英文中“instrument”可双关“工具”及“乐器”。))\\ 艾瑞莉娅:“Instruments create beauty, war ends it.”(乐器带来美,而战争扼杀美。)((注:英文中“instrument”可双关“工具”及“乐器”。))\\
-=== 友方嘉文四世出场 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04DE008.png|嘉文四世]]出场 ** 
 嘉文四世:“Noxus will pay for what they did to your people.”(诺克萨斯会偿还他们对你的人民的罪行。)\\ 嘉文四世:“Noxus will pay for what they did to your people.”(诺克萨斯会偿还他们对你的人民的罪行。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:“Yes, Demacian prince, we will see to that.”(是的,德玛西亚的王子。我们会确保这一点。) 艾瑞莉娅:“Yes, Demacian prince, we will see to that.”(是的,德玛西亚的王子。我们会确保这一点。)
-=== 敌方乐芙兰出场 ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04NX004.png|乐芙兰]]出场 ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:“A true leader marches beside her people.”(真正的领袖会与她的人民一同前行。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:“A true leader marches beside her people.”(真正的领袖会与她的人民一同前行。)\\
 乐芙兰:“So honorable... so naive.”(多么崇高……且天真。) 乐芙兰:“So honorable... so naive.”(多么崇高……且天真。)
-=== 敌方斯维因出场 ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set2/zh_tw/img/cards/02NX007.png|斯维因]]出场 ** 
 斯维因:“How long can they resist while their cities crumble?”(当他们的城池陷落,他们还能抵抗多久?)\\ 斯维因:“How long can they resist while their cities crumble?”(当他们的城池陷落,他们还能抵抗多久?)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:“You will never quell our spirit.”(你无法使我们的灵魂屈服。) 艾瑞莉娅:“You will never quell our spirit.”(你无法使我们的灵魂屈服。)
行 32: 行 37:
 艾瑞莉娅:“You dare defile these sacred lands!”(你休想玷污这片神圣的土地!) 艾瑞莉娅:“You dare defile these sacred lands!”(你休想玷污这片神圣的土地!)
-=== 友方剑刃之花(Blossoming Blade)出场 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO004.png|剑刃之花]](Blossoming Blade)出场 ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:“Ionians, into formation!”(艾欧尼亚人,列阵!)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:“Ionians, into formation!”(艾欧尼亚人,列阵!)\\
 剑刃之花:“I'd follow you to the black heart of Noxus itself.”(我将追随您,直到诺克萨斯最邪恶之处。)\\ 剑刃之花:“I'd follow you to the black heart of Noxus itself.”(我将追随您,直到诺克萨斯最邪恶之处。)\\
行 42: 行 48:
 艾瑞莉娅:“How could we have known it would be like this?”(却从未想过会想是这样。) 艾瑞莉娅:“How could we have known it would be like this?”(却从未想过会想是这样。)
-=== 友方战地乐手(Field Musicians)出场 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO001.png|战地乐手]](Field Musicians)出场 ** 
 战地乐手:“What shall we play for your dance?”(该以何曲为您伴舞呢?)\\ 战地乐手:“What shall we play for your dance?”(该以何曲为您伴舞呢?)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:“Play us an anthem of Navori, or the verses you remember.”(纳沃利的国歌,或者你还记着的诗句。) 艾瑞莉娅:“Play us an anthem of Navori, or the verses you remember.”(纳沃利的国歌,或者你还记着的诗句。)
-=== 友方缎带舞者(Ribbon Dancer)出场 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO009.png|缎带舞者]](Ribbon Dancer)出场 ** 
 缎带舞者:“Stand behind me. They won't hurt you.”(站在我背后。他们伤不到你。)\\ 缎带舞者:“Stand behind me. They won't hurt you.”(站在我背后。他们伤不到你。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:“If they hurt you, I'd never forgive myself.”(若他们伤到了你,我将永不原谅我自己。) 艾瑞莉娅:“If they hurt you, I'd never forgive myself.”(若他们伤到了你,我将永不原谅我自己。)
-=== 友方辛妮亚(Zinneia, Steel Crescendo)出场 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO002.png|辛妮亚]](Zinneia, Steel Crescendo)出场 ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:“Zinneia, you are a master of your craft.”(辛尼亚,你的技艺出神入化。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:“Zinneia, you are a master of your craft.”(辛尼亚,你的技艺出神入化。)\\
 辛妮亚:“And fate has sent you to give my craft purpose.”(而你是命运赋予我技艺的意义。) 辛妮亚:“And fate has sent you to give my craft purpose.”(而你是命运赋予我技艺的意义。)
行 57: 行 66:
 ==== 召唤下列卡牌时,如艾瑞莉娅在场 ==== ==== 召唤下列卡牌时,如艾瑞莉娅在场 ====
-=== 友方阿兹尔 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04SH003.png|阿兹尔]] **
 艾瑞莉娅:“My heart weeps for every fallen ally.”(我的心在为每个倒下的战友哭泣。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:“My heart weeps for every fallen ally.”(我的心在为每个倒下的战友哭泣。)\\
-阿兹尔 "A leader must see victory beyond each loss."(领袖必须看到所有损失之上的胜利。)\\+阿兹尔"A leader must see victory beyond each loss."(领袖必须看到所有损失之上的胜利。)\\
 阿兹尔:“Shurima's legacy will endure!”(恕瑞玛将长存!)\\ 阿兹尔:“Shurima's legacy will endure!”(恕瑞玛将长存!)\\
行 66: 行 75:
-=== 敌方德莱厄斯 ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set1/zh_tw/img/cards/01NX038.png|德莱厄斯]] ** 
 德莱厄斯:“Mine is the hand of Noxus.”(我是诺克萨斯之手。)\\ 德莱厄斯:“Mine is the hand of Noxus.”(我是诺克萨斯之手。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:“Good reason to cut it free.”(这就是为什么要把它砍断。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:“Good reason to cut it free.”(这就是为什么要把它砍断。)\\
行 73: 行 83:
 艾瑞莉娅:“Are you prepared to die for them, Noxian?”(准备好为此受死了吗,诺克萨斯人?) 艾瑞莉娅:“Are you prepared to die for them, Noxian?”(准备好为此受死了吗,诺克萨斯人?)
-=== 敌方德莱文 ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set1/zh_tw/img/cards/01NX020.png|德莱文]] **
 德莱文:“The party has a-rrived.”(派对现在开始!)\\ 德莱文:“The party has a-rrived.”(派对现在开始!)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:“I suppose I prefer a clown to a butcher.”(比起屠夫,我更喜欢小丑。) 艾瑞莉娅:“I suppose I prefer a clown to a butcher.”(比起屠夫,我更喜欢小丑。)
-=== 友方嘉文四世 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04DE008.png|嘉文四世]] **
 艾瑞莉娅:“Join us, Prince Jarvan. Dance by our side!”(加入我们,嘉文王子。与我们共舞!)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:“Join us, Prince Jarvan. Dance by our side!”(加入我们,嘉文王子。与我们共舞!)\\
 嘉文四世:“I'm afraid I was born with two left feet. It's a Lightshield thing."(我恐怕过于笨拙。光盾家族祖传的。) 嘉文四世:“I'm afraid I was born with two left feet. It's a Lightshield thing."(我恐怕过于笨拙。光盾家族祖传的。)
-=== 友方卡尔玛 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set1/zh_tw/img/cards/01IO041.png|卡尔玛]] ** 
 卡尔玛:"We'll bring peace to Ionia, whatever the cost."(我们将不计代价为艾欧尼亚带来和平)\\ 卡尔玛:"We'll bring peace to Ionia, whatever the cost."(我们将不计代价为艾欧尼亚带来和平)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"So many lost. My heart aches."(失去的太多,我心如刀绞。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"So many lost. My heart aches."(失去的太多,我心如刀绞。)\\
行 93: 行 104:
 艾瑞莉娅:"Then tell me when this bloody fight will end."(那么,这场血腥的战斗何时才能终结?) 艾瑞莉娅:"Then tell me when this bloody fight will end."(那么,这场血腥的战斗何时才能终结?)
-=== 友方千珏 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04SI005T1.png|千珏]] ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"My family, have you seen them?"(见过我的家人吗?)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"My family, have you seen them?"(见过我的家人吗?)\\
 羊灵:"Drifting between innocence and consequence."(在无知与结果中飘荡。) 羊灵:"Drifting between innocence and consequence."(在无知与结果中飘荡。)
-=== 敌方乐芙兰 === +** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04NX004.png|乐芙兰]] ** 
-艾瑞莉娅:"Come face me, deceiver!"(面对我,欺骗者!)((乐芙兰的英文称号为“Deceiver”,简中翻译为“诡术妖姬”;但此处为交谈,故取其原意。))\\+ 
 +艾瑞莉娅:"Come face me, deceiver!"(面对我,欺骗者!)(([[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04NX004.png|乐芙兰]]的英文称号为“Deceiver”,简中翻译为“诡术妖姬”;但此处为交谈,故取其原意。))\\
 乐芙兰:"Patience, dear. Only fools rush in."(耐心,亲爱的。只有愚者才会着急。)\\ 乐芙兰:"Patience, dear. Only fools rush in."(耐心,亲爱的。只有愚者才会着急。)\\
行 107: 行 120:
 艾瑞莉娅:"Only while I let you draw breath."(除非我让你喘口气。) 艾瑞莉娅:"Only while I let you draw breath."(除非我让你喘口气。)
-=== 友方内瑟斯 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04SH047T3.png|内瑟斯]] ** 
 内瑟斯:"Sorrow weights upon you, but death could bring you peace."(你背负着悲痛,但死亡能带给你平静。)\\ 内瑟斯:"Sorrow weights upon you, but death could bring you peace."(你背负着悲痛,但死亡能带给你平静。)\\
-艾瑞莉娅:"Not yet, Curator, I am far from done."(不是现在,死神。我还没完呢。)((内瑟斯的英文称号为“the Curator of the Sands”,对应翻译为“死神”,此处取该意。))+艾瑞莉娅:"Not yet, Curator, I am far from done."(不是现在,死神。我还没完呢。)(([[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04SH047T3.png|内瑟斯]]的英文称号为“the Curator of the Sands”,对应翻译为“死神”,此处取该意。)) 
 +** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set1/zh_tw/img/cards/01IO032.png|慎]] **
-=== 友方慎 === 
 慎:"Two worlds, one balance."(两个世界,均衡为一。)\\ 慎:"Two worlds, one balance."(两个世界,均衡为一。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"How can the balance allow this slaughter?"(均衡怎能容忍这种屠杀?)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"How can the balance allow this slaughter?"(均衡怎能容忍这种屠杀?)\\
行 118: 行 133:
 艾瑞莉娅:"Ionia needs brave hearts and able hands too."(艾欧尼亚人还需要勇敢的心及得力的手。) 艾瑞莉娅:"Ionia needs brave hearts and able hands too."(艾欧尼亚人还需要勇敢的心及得力的手。)
-=== 敌方斯维因 ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set2/zh_tw/img/cards/02NX007.png|斯维因]] ** 
 斯维因:"By my hand will Noxus rise."(我将一手带领诺克萨斯崛起。)\\ 斯维因:"By my hand will Noxus rise."(我将一手带领诺克萨斯崛起。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"And by our blades will it fall."(而我们的剑刃会让它崩塌。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"And by our blades will it fall."(而我们的剑刃会让它崩塌。)\\
行 128: 行 144:
 斯维因:"Bring these lands to their knees."(让这片土地屈服。) 斯维因:"Bring these lands to their knees."(让这片土地屈服。)
-=== 友方劫 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set1/zh_tw/img/cards/01IO009.png|]] ** 
 劫:"Pledge yourself to the shadows."(献身于暗影吧。)\\ 劫:"Pledge yourself to the shadows."(献身于暗影吧。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"Noxian tyranny has already forged our bond."(诺克萨斯人的暴政早已铸就我们之间的联系。) 艾瑞莉娅:"Noxian tyranny has already forged our bond."(诺克萨斯人的暴政早已铸就我们之间的联系。)
-=== 敌方奥洛·烁角(Aurok Glinthorn) ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set2/zh_tw/img/cards/02NX002.png|奥洛·烁角]](Aurok Glinthorn) ** 
 奥洛·烁角:"Take their land, bury them in it."(夺走他们的土地,在那儿埋了他们。)\\ 奥洛·烁角:"Take their land, bury them in it."(夺走他们的土地,在那儿埋了他们。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"This land knows its own, you will not have it."(这片土地有自己的意志。你夺不走它。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"This land knows its own, you will not have it."(这片土地有自己的意志。你夺不走它。)\\
行 139: 行 157:
 艾瑞莉娅:"Resistance! Day by day."(反抗!绝不停歇!) 艾瑞莉娅:"Resistance! Day by day."(反抗!绝不停歇!)
-=== 友方剑刃之花 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO004.png|剑刃之花]] ** 
 剑刃之花:"My heart races... what if I falter?"(我的心狂跳不止……如果我动摇了怎么办?)\\ 剑刃之花:"My heart races... what if I falter?"(我的心狂跳不止……如果我动摇了怎么办?)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"If you fall, I will always catch you."(如果你倒下,我一定会找到你。) 艾瑞莉娅:"If you fall, I will always catch you."(如果你倒下,我一定会找到你。)
行 152: 行 171:
 艾瑞莉娅:"Whatever they are, we face them together, little blossom."(不管是什么,我们共同面对。) 艾瑞莉娅:"Whatever they are, we face them together, little blossom."(不管是什么,我们共同面对。)
-=== 友方沿岸守军 (Coastal Defender)===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO006.png|沿岸守军]] (Coastal Defender)** 
 沿岸守军:"Generations tended this land. I cannot leave."(我们世代照料这片土地。我不能离开。)\\ 沿岸守军:"Generations tended this land. I cannot leave."(我们世代照料这片土地。我不能离开。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"We must retreat for now, but I promise we'll return."(现在我们必须暂时撤退,但我保证我们会回来。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"We must retreat for now, but I promise we'll return."(现在我们必须暂时撤退,但我保证我们会回来。)\\
行 159: 行 179:
 艾瑞莉娅:"Your courage runs deep as the willow's root."(你的勇气如柳树根一样坚定。) 艾瑞莉娅:"Your courage runs deep as the willow's root."(你的勇气如柳树根一样坚定。)
-=== 友方战地乐手 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO001.png|战地乐手]] ** 
 战地乐手:"The enemy approaches the painted shores."(敌人正朝海岸涌来。)\\ 战地乐手:"The enemy approaches the painted shores."(敌人正朝海岸涌来。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"Play the song of the fallen, so they might witness our fight."(演奏已逝去之人的曲子吧,好让他们见证我们的战斗。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Play the song of the fallen, so they might witness our fight."(演奏已逝去之人的曲子吧,好让他们见证我们的战斗。)\\
行 166: 行 187:
 艾瑞莉娅:"Let them come, our blades will greet them."(让他们放马过来,我们的剑刃会问候他们。) 艾瑞莉娅:"Let them come, our blades will greet them."(让他们放马过来,我们的剑刃会问候他们。)
-=== 敌方帝国炸弹工兵(Imperial Demolitionist) ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set2/zh_tw/img/cards/02NX004.png|帝国炸弹工兵]](Imperial Demolitionist) ** 
 帝国炸弹工兵:"For the empire!"(为了帝国!)\\ 帝国炸弹工兵:"For the empire!"(为了帝国!)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"So young, already so wicked."(这么小,就这么邪恶。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"So young, already so wicked."(这么小,就这么邪恶。)\\
行 173: 行 195:
 艾瑞莉娅:"Murder the innocent, and destroy their homes?"(谋杀无辜之人,并毁了他们的家园?) 艾瑞莉娅:"Murder the innocent, and destroy their homes?"(谋杀无辜之人,并毁了他们的家园?)
-=== 友方缎带舞者 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO009.png|缎带舞者]] ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"Shoulders set, blades sharpened, plant that lead foot! "(肩端,刃厉,落足要稳!)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Shoulders set, blades sharpened, plant that lead foot! "(肩端,刃厉,落足要稳!)\\
 缎带舞者:"Don't worry. I've danced this a hundred times."(放心。我已经跳了无数次。) 缎带舞者:"Don't worry. I've danced this a hundred times."(放心。我已经跳了无数次。)
-=== 友方预言家(Soothsayer) ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04SH072.png|预言家]](Soothsayer) ** 
 预言家:"Blessings of Water and Shade to you!"(水与阴影赐福于你!)\\ 预言家:"Blessings of Water and Shade to you!"(水与阴影赐福于你!)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"In times like these I'll take all the help we can get."(这种时候,我接受一切帮助。) 艾瑞莉娅:"In times like these I'll take all the help we can get."(这种时候,我接受一切帮助。)
-=== 敌方海王号(The Leviathan)   === +** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set2/zh_tw/img/cards/02NX001.png|海王号]](The Leviathan)   ** 
 海王号:"For Conquest! For Empire!"(征服!帝国!)\\ 海王号:"For Conquest! For Empire!"(征服!帝国!)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"Monstrosity!"(畸形!)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Monstrosity!"(畸形!)\\
行 189: 行 214:
 艾瑞莉娅:"Leave these shores!"(滚出这片海岸!) 艾瑞莉娅:"Leave these shores!"(滚出这片海岸!)
-=== 友方重生者宣使(Voice of the Risen) ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04SH077.png|重生者宣使]](Voice of the Risen) ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"Speaker, you've joined us in dangerous times."(你在危险关头加入了我们,使者。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Speaker, you've joined us in dangerous times."(你在危险关头加入了我们,使者。)\\
 重生者宣使:"This, too, is a story we must remember."(这也是我们必须记住的故事。) 重生者宣使:"This, too, is a story we must remember."(这也是我们必须记住的故事。)
-=== 友方辛妮亚 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO002.png|辛妮亚]] ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"As a child, I watched you dance at the Placidium every spring."(我小时候,每个春天都会看你在普雷西典跳舞。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"As a child, I watched you dance at the Placidium every spring."(我小时候,每个春天都会看你在普雷西典跳舞。)\\
 辛妮亚:"It was your bravery that brought me to the fight."(是你的勇气使我加入战斗。) 辛妮亚:"It was your bravery that brought me to the fight."(是你的勇气使我加入战斗。)
-=== 敌方披甲角兽骑兵(Armored Tuskrider) ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set2/zh_tw/img/cards/02NX010.png|披甲角兽骑兵]](Armored Tuskrider) ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"What have they done to those poor creatures?"(他们对这些可怜的生物做了什么?)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"What have they done to those poor creatures?"(他们对这些可怜的生物做了什么?)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"Noxians corrupt all they touch."(诺克萨斯人碰到的一切都会腐化!) 艾瑞莉娅:"Noxians corrupt all they touch."(诺克萨斯人碰到的一切都会腐化!)
-=== 敌方攻城投石机(Citybreaker) ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set2/zh_tw/img/cards/02NX006.png|攻城投石机]](Citybreaker) ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"Slither out from your machines, Noxian cowards!"(滚出你们的机器,诺克萨斯懦夫!)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Slither out from your machines, Noxian cowards!"(滚出你们的机器,诺克萨斯懦夫!)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"O-ma... Wherever you are, look away."(奶奶……无论你在哪儿,别看这里。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"O-ma... Wherever you are, look away."(奶奶……无论你在哪儿,别看这里。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"You attack us with our own land...?"(你竟用我们的土地来攻打我们……?) 艾瑞莉娅:"You attack us with our own land...?"(你竟用我们的土地来攻打我们……?)
-=== 敌方幽铁弩炮(Iron Ballista) ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set2/zh_tw/img/cards/02NX005.png|幽铁弩炮]](Iron Ballista) ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"Machines of death have no place here."(这里没有死亡机器的位置。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Machines of death have no place here."(这里没有死亡机器的位置。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"The flowing plains desecrated with your engines."(你的引擎玷污了这片土地。) 艾瑞莉娅:"The flowing plains desecrated with your engines."(你的引擎玷污了这片土地。)
行 218: 行 248:
-==== 下列法术或技能施放时,艾瑞莉娅在场 ====+==== 下列法术或技能施放时,艾瑞莉娅在场 *====
-=== 敌方解脱之触(Death's Hand)((此为斯维因Q技能,国服译名解脱之触。台服对应卡牌名为灵魂拷问。))  ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set2/zh_tw/img/cards/02NX008.png|解脱之触]](Death's Hand)((此为[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set2/zh_tw/img/cards/02NX007.png|斯维因]]Q技能,国服译名解脱之触。台服对应卡牌名为灵魂拷问。))  **
 艾瑞莉娅:"Wicked magic from a wicked creature." \\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Wicked magic from a wicked creature." \\
 艾瑞莉娅:"You drain life from all you touch." 艾瑞莉娅:"You drain life from all you touch."
-=== 友方先锋之刃(Vanguard's Edge)((此为艾瑞莉娅R技能,国服译名先锋之刃。台服对应卡牌名为护剑化形。)) ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO003.png|先锋之刃触]](Vanguard's Edge)((此为艾瑞莉娅R技能,国服译名先锋之刃。台服对应卡牌名为护剑化形。)) ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"Ionia still stands!"(艾欧尼亚昂扬不灭!)((英雄联盟端游中有相同语音,此处取同翻译。)) \\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Ionia still stands!"(艾欧尼亚昂扬不灭!)((英雄联盟端游中有相同语音,此处取同翻译。)) \\
 艾瑞莉娅:"Bring the fight to them!"(与他们战斗!) 艾瑞莉娅:"Bring the fight to them!"(与他们战斗!)
行 247: 行 278:
 ==== 另一单位死亡时,艾瑞莉娅在场 ==== ==== 另一单位死亡时,艾瑞莉娅在场 ====
-=== 敌方德莱厄斯 ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set1/zh_tw/img/cards/01NX038.png|德莱厄斯]] ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"Another hand severed."(切断另一只手。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Another hand severed."(切断另一只手。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"The mighty fall."(巨人倒下了。) 艾瑞莉娅:"The mighty fall."(巨人倒下了。)
-=== 敌方德莱文 ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set1/zh_tw/img/cards/01NX020.png|德莱文]] ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"Words couldn't match steel."(言语胜不过钢铁。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Words couldn't match steel."(言语胜不过钢铁。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"Stay silent."(保持安静。) 艾瑞莉娅:"Stay silent."(保持安静。)
-=== 敌方乐芙兰 ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04NX004.png|乐芙兰]] ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"Can't cheat death."(骗不过死亡。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Can't cheat death."(骗不过死亡。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"Found the real one."(找到真身了。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Found the real one."(找到真身了。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"Death's an ugly truth."(死亡是丑陋的真话。) 艾瑞莉娅:"Death's an ugly truth."(死亡是丑陋的真话。)
-=== 敌方锐雯 ===+** 敌方锐雯 ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"Irredeemable."(不可救药。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Irredeemable."(不可救药。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"Your past caught up."(过去抓住了你。) 艾瑞莉娅:"Your past caught up."(过去抓住了你。)
-=== 敌方斯维因 ===+** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set2/zh_tw/img/cards/02NX007.png|斯维因]] ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"Leave the corpse to his birds."(把他的尸体留给他的鸟。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Leave the corpse to his birds."(把他的尸体留给他的鸟。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"A meager penance."(无用的忏悔。) 艾瑞莉娅:"A meager penance."(无用的忏悔。)
-=== 友方剑刃之花 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO004.png|剑刃之花]] ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"We'll dance again."(我们会再度共舞。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"We'll dance again."(我们会再度共舞。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"Not you!"(不!)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Not you!"(不!)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"I'll always catch you."(我还会找到你的。) 艾瑞莉娅:"I'll always catch you."(我还会找到你的。)
-=== 友方沿岸守军 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO006.png|沿岸守军]] ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"Your sacrifice mattered."(你不会白白牺牲。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Your sacrifice mattered."(你不会白白牺牲。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"Rest on your soil."(在你的土壤中安息。) 艾瑞莉娅:"Rest on your soil."(在你的土壤中安息。)
-=== 友方战地乐手 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO001.png|战地乐手]] ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"Songs linger on the wind."(歌声随风而行。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Songs linger on the wind."(歌声随风而行。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"A final dirge."(最后的挽歌。) 艾瑞莉娅:"A final dirge."(最后的挽歌。)
-=== 友方缎带舞者 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO009.png|缎带舞者]] ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"So young."(如此年轻。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"So young."(如此年轻。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"How many more?"(还有多少?) 艾瑞莉娅:"How many more?"(还有多少?)
-=== 友方辛妮亚 ===+** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set4/zh_tw/img/cards/04IO002.png|辛妮亚]] ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"A legend falls."(一位传奇陨落。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"A legend falls."(一位传奇陨落。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"Your story lives on."(你的故事还将继续。) 艾瑞莉娅:"Your story lives on."(你的故事还将继续。)
行 298: 行 339:
 ====倒计时==== ====倒计时====
-=== 己方倒计时 ===+** 己方倒计时 ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"Hurry. They await our signal."(快。他们在等我们的信号。)\\ 艾瑞莉娅:"Hurry. They await our signal."(快。他们在等我们的信号。)\\
 艾瑞莉娅:"Step, strike, left foot, strike, right foot, strike, turn."(停顿,攻击,左脚,攻击,右脚,攻击,转身。) 艾瑞莉娅:"Step, strike, left foot, strike, right foot, strike, turn."(停顿,攻击,左脚,攻击,右脚,攻击,转身。)
-=== 敌方倒计时 ===+** 敌方倒计时 ** 
 艾瑞莉娅:"They've missed their beats."(他们乱了节拍。) 艾瑞莉娅:"They've missed their beats."(他们乱了节拍。)
  • 其他/游戏彩蛋/语音/艾瑞莉娅.txt
  • 最后更改: 2021/12/19 22:15
  • 夏虫