





Unit cards 主条目: 单位
单位牌可被 打出并召唤到备战区。之后这些单位可以直接加入战场,攻击或保卫主堡

Groups Some Unit cards may belong to a Group, which can be identified by a word on the top of the card. Several cards interact specifically with groups. Currently, there are the following groups for units:

Ascended Celestial Dragon Elite Elnuk Fae Poro Sea Monster Spider Tech Yeti Yordle Although not a Group, Crimson and Turret also have cards that interact with cards of their series.

Additionally, LoR Champion Indicator.pngLucian's Level 1 card interacts with an unofficial group of cards appropriately named “Senna”. This refers to LoR Champion Indicator.pngSenna and LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator.png Senna, Sentinel of Light.

Spell cards Main article: Spell (Legends of Runeterra) EditSpells are non-unit cards that can be Keyword Play.svg played to trigger an effect. The Keyword Burst.svgKeyword Fast.svgKeyword Focus.pngKeyword Slow.svgspeed of a spell dictates when it can be played, and whether the opponent can respond.

The Spell Stack: Once one or more Fast or Slow spells have been played, it can be responded / reacted to by the opponent with one or more Keyword Fast.svg Fast or Keyword Burst.svg Burst spells. Keyword Fast.svg Fast spells played are added to the stack, where the most recent one placed is the first to resolve. Once the response is confirmed by pressing the Button, the opponent has a chance to react, and this continues until both players pass. Only 10 spells can be on the stack at once, and the 10th spell may only be Keyword Burst.svg Burst.

Groups Some Spell cards may belong to a Group, which can be identified by a word on the bottom of the card. Several cards interact specifically with groups. Currently, spells can belong to two groups:

Treasure Celestial Although not a Group, Blade Fragment includes cards which interact with other cards of its series.

Landmark cards Main article: Landmark (Legends of Runeterra) EditLandmarks are a type of card in Legends of Runeterra icon.png Legends of Runeterra that take up a space on the board, like Unit card.png units, but can't interact with the same mechanics as units - for example they can't Keyword Attack.svg Attack or Keyword Block.png Block (See also: Keyword Can't Attack.pngKeyword Can't Block.svg Immobile), don't have LoR Health.png Health or LoR Power.png Power, and can't Keyword Strike.svg strike.

Text that can affect Landmarks will explicitly refer to them.

Trap cards Main article: Trap (Legends of Runeterra) EditTraps can attach to (or 'be planted on') a card in a deck, trapping it. When a player Keyword Draw.png draws a trapped card, the trap's effect triggers for that player. A card can have multiple traps on it.

Skill cards Main article: Skill (Legends of Runeterra) EditA Spell card.svg spell-like card that can be committed by a Unit card.png unit. Goes on the Spell Stack like a Keyword Fast.svg Fast or Keyword Slow.svg Slow spell.

Skills are committed to enact a Unit card.png unit's card text in a way that can be reacted to. If card text creates a Skill, there will usually be an Keyword Skill.png icon before the text to indicate this.

The text of skills is usually written as if it's on the unit itself, but they count as their own card. In particular, damage dealt by a skill is not dealt by the generating unit.


稀有度 价值(碎片 价值(金币
无(不可收集) / /
Common普通 100 10
Rare 稀有 300 30
Epic 史诗 1200 120
Champion 英雄 3000 300

Wildcards, although by themselves are not playable cards, can be traded into cards. Each rarity has their own version of wildcard. Only cards of the Champion card.svg Champion type that aren't Keyword Level Up.png Levelled Up have the Champion rarity


  • 一些子系列卡牌在LoR Set 1 icon.png基础系列中曾有某种原型,如:飞升者,天界,破晓,入夜,巨龙,地标,潜伏者。目前除破晓和入夜仍为巨神峰的关键词、地标在LoR Set 3 icon.png神峰之召系列中作为一种单独的卡牌类型引入外,其余均已转变为它们自己的子系列。
  • 以宝石划分稀有度的这套体系也被来标识英雄联盟中皮肤、云顶之弈中弈子的稀有度。
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  • 最后更改: 2021/12/06 18:57
  • lasky342