===== 锐雯语音彩蛋 ===== {{:其他:游戏彩蛋:语音:pasted:20211219-025340.png?nolink&300}}{{:其他:游戏彩蛋:语音:pasted:20211219-031631.png?nolink&300}} ==== 召唤 ==== Heart and blade, both broken.(破碎的剑,破碎的心。)\\ When will I find peace?(何时我才能得到安宁?)\\ I was born in battle and raised by war.(我生于战斗,长于战争。)\\ Break the ties that bind.(打破束缚。)\\ The past is a burden we must learn to bear.(我们必须学会承受过去。)\\ To serve the greater good.(为了更大的良善。)((英雄联盟端游中有相同语音,此处取同翻译,下同。)) ** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03SI005.png|梦魇]]在场 ** 梦魇:"You did nothing as they burned."(他们在燃烧,你却袖手旁观。)\\ 锐雯:“There... there was nothing I could do.”(我……我无能为力。) ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set1/zh_tw/img/cards/01IO015.png|亚索]]在场 ** 亚索:“They accused me of murder. They were wrong.”(他们指控我谋杀。他们错了。)\\ 锐雯:“I would give you back your life if I could.”(如果我能让你回到原来的生活里,我会的。)\\ ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX002.png|猎捕手艾瑞儿]](Arrel the Tracker)在场 ** ((根据《战火金兰》,此处简体中文翻译应为阿蕾尔。)) 艾瑞儿:"You were abandoned. We made you our sister."(你曾被抛弃,是我们接纳你成为姐妹。)\\ 锐雯:"We don't choose our beginnings, only who we become."(我们选不了出身,只能选择成为什么样的人。)\\ \\ 锐雯:"You... You came back for me."(你……你是来找我的。)\\ 艾瑞儿:"The empire does not leave its tools to idle."(帝国不会让它的工具闲置。)\\ \\ 艾瑞儿:"Little sister, we have returned for you."(我们回来找你了,小妹。)\\ 锐雯:"I called you sister once. Now let me forget you."(我曾叫你姐妹。现在,我要忘了你。)" ** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX002.png|猎捕手艾瑞儿]](Arrel the Tracker)在场 ** 艾瑞儿:"We tracked you across seas, across years."(我们追踪你,穿洋过海、经年累月。)\\ 锐雯:"Just another ghost of the past to haunt me."(又来一个纠缠我的往日幽魂。)\\ \\ 艾瑞儿:"You cannot keep running, Riven."(你跑不了的,锐雯。)\\ 锐雯:"Remember then, that this choice was yours."(那我提醒你,这是你的决定。)\\ \\ 艾瑞儿:"Riven, I shed tears when I heard you were lost."(锐雯,听说你失踪,我都掉泪了。)\\ 锐雯:" You never had tears to shed."(你竟有泪可落。)" ** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX003.png|护刃随从]](Blade Squire)在场 ** ((根据人物名,此处简体中文翻译应为剑僮,对应《战火金兰》中俄拉斯(Erath)。)) 锐雯:"To serve the greater good."(为了更大的良善。)\\ 俄拉斯:"When we catch you I can finally go back home."(等抓到你,我就能回家了。) ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX005.png|残酷猎手]](Brutal Hunter)在场 ** ((根据人物名,该人对应《战火金兰》中提涅芙(Teneff))) 提涅芙:"You made it hard work to find you... little sister."(你可真难找……小妹。)\\ 锐雯:"Not hard enough."(还不够难。)\\ \\ 提涅芙:"Take pride. The empire sends its finest after you."(骄傲点。来抓你的是帝国最精锐的战士。)\\ 锐雯:"There is no pride in what we've done."(我们做过的事情没有骄傲可言。) ** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX005.png|残酷猎手]]在场 ** 锐雯:"When will I find peace?”(何时我才能得到安宁?)\\ 提涅芙:"When we return you to Noxus in chains."(我们用链子绑你回诺克萨斯的时候。)\\ \\ 锐雯:"I wondered if I'd see you again.”(我想我不会再见到你的。)\\ 提涅芙:"Riven! Come face me!"(锐雯!出来面对我!) ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX001.png|符文编铸者]](Runeweaver)在场 ** ((根据人物名,该人对应《战火金兰》中蒂法莲芝(Tifalenji)。)) 蒂法莲芝:"What's a warrior but hands to wield a weapon?"(除了挥动武器的双手,战士还意味着什么?)\\ 锐雯:"The heart and mind, to aim its strike."(使其瞄准目标的心智。)\\ ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX009.png|狂怒骑士]](Wrathful Rider)在场 ** ((根据人物名,该人对应《战火金兰》中马莉特(Marit)。)) 锐雯:"To serve the greater good."(为了更大的良善。)\\ 马莉特:"Our wayward sister still knows her pledge."(我们任性的姐妹还知道她的誓约。)\\ \\ 马莉特:"Thousands would beg for the power you hold."(无数人乞求你所拥有的力量。)\\ 锐雯:"They don't know what they covet."(他们对所垂涎之物并不了解。)\\ ** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX009.png|狂怒骑士]]在场 ** 马莉特:"Riven, the blade will be mine, traitor."(锐雯,你这个叛徒,剑是我的。)\\ 锐雯:"Then come... take it from me."(那就……来我手里拿吧。)\\ \\ 马莉特:"Come with us. We know what you are."(来我们这儿。我们知道你是什么样的人。)\\ 锐雯:"You know what I was."(曾经。)\\ \\ 马莉特:"You fought by me side. We were sisters in battle."(你曾和我并肩作战,情同姐妹。)\\ 锐雯:"Sisters? No, I was a means to your ends."(姐妹?不,我只是你达到目的的手段。) ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX004.png|诺萨克拉亚竞技场]](Noxkraya Arena)在场 ** 锐雯:"I remember you."(我记得你。)\\ 锐雯:"Awaken."(觉醒。) ==== 召唤下列单位时,如锐雯在场 ==== ** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03SI005.png|梦魇]] ** 梦魇:"I am terror."(我即恐惧。)\\ 锐雯:“I've known terror... and put it behind me.”(我知道何为恐惧……并将它抛诸脑后。) ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03MT058.png|塔里克]] ** 锐雯:"I broke from my past, but I still can't find peace."(我已与过去决裂,可还是不得安宁。)\\ 塔里克:"There is nothing so broken it cannot be mended."(没有什么是无法修补的。)\\ \\ 锐雯:"Where once there was a sword, only shards remain."(曾经的剑已只剩碎片。)\\ 塔里克:"Broken gems show new facets."(碎裂的宝石也有新的刻面。)\\ \\ 锐雯:"When will I find peace?"(何时我才能得到安宁?)\\ 塔里克:"It can only be found within."(真正的平静来自你的内心。)\\ ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set1/zh_tw/img/cards/01IO015.png|亚索]] ** 亚索:"I go where the road takes me."(路到哪儿,我就跟到哪儿。)\\ 锐雯:"However far you travel, you won't outrun the past."(不管你走的多远,你都逃不开过去。)\\ \\ 亚索:"Of all weapons, the past cuts deepest."(刀枪剑戟,唯往事伤人最深。)\\ 锐雯:"The past is a burden we both share."(我们都背负着过去。)\\ ** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set1/zh_tw/img/cards/01IO015.png|亚索]] ** 亚索:"Sleep is for the guiltless."(无罪之人,方可安睡。)((英雄联盟端游中有相同语音,此处取同翻译))\\ 锐雯:"I never meant to cause you pain."(我从未打算伤害你。)\\ \\ 亚索:"Follow the wind, but watch your back."(且随疾风前行,身后亦须留心。)((英雄联盟端游中有相同语音,此处取同翻译))\\ 锐雯:"Broken wings need no wind to carry them."(破碎的羽翼不再需要风的承载。)\\ ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX002.png|猎捕手艾瑞儿]] ** 艾瑞儿:"A hundred days we three have sought your head."(我们三人日夜追寻,只为你项上人头。)\\ 锐雯:"Arrel, I missed your voice quiet sister."(艾瑞尔,我安静的姐妹,我想念你的声音。)\\ \\ 艾瑞儿:"You once pledged your life to us... to Noxus."(你曾把你的性命交给我们……交给诺克萨斯。)\\ 锐雯:"I was young. I didn't know what Noxus truly was. "(我那时太年轻,还不知道诺克萨斯的真面目。)" ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX003.png|护刃随从]] ** 俄拉斯:"I'm cold, I'm hungry and there is rock in me boots."(我又冷又饿,靴子里还有石子儿。)\\ 锐雯:"I'm sorry. Who are you?"(抱歉。你是谁?) ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX005.png|残酷猎手]] ** 提涅芙:"We three have slain a hundred foes to find you."(为找到你,我们三个杀了上百个人。)\\ 锐雯:"Teneff, nothing could ever stop you bold sister."(提涅芙,我鲁莽的姐妹,没什么能阻止你。)\\ \\ 提涅芙:"You and I have razed cities. Nothing can break our bond. "(你我夷平了无数城市。什么都打破不了我们之间的羁绊。)\\ 锐雯:" All things can be broken, Teneff."(没有什么是不能被破坏的,提涅芙。) ** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX005.png|残酷猎手]] ** 提涅芙:"Look at you Riven. Hunted like an animal."(看看你,锐雯。被追赶的像头畜生。)\\ 锐雯:"The finest armor wouldn't hide your crimes."(再好的盔甲也盖不住你的罪行。)\\ \\ 锐雯:"Why do you hunt me?”(为何追捕我?)\\ 提涅芙:"To serve the greater good."(为了更大的良善。) ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set1/zh_tw/img/cards/01IO014.png|林地长老]](Greenglade Elder) ** 林地长老:"Tales of our past are seeds for our future."(过去是未来之种。)\\ 锐雯:"I fear what will grow from mine."(我害怕我的过去将长出的结果。)\\ \\ 林地长老:" What would you wish to learn?"(你想学到什么?)\\ 锐雯:"Teach me how to start over. "(教我如何从头来过。) ** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX001.png|符文编铸者]] ** 锐雯:"I welcome the end of this chase."(我期待这场追逐的结局。)\\ 蒂法莲芝:"They will reclaim what is ours."(他们会拿回属于我们的东西。) ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX009.png|狂怒骑士]] ** 马莉特:"We three crossed a hundred provinces for you."(我们三个为了你跨越山海。)\\ 锐雯:"You were never far from my heart, masked sister."(你从未离开我的心,我带面具的姐妹。)\\ \\ 马莉特:"Your blade is the greatest gift a warrior could want."(你的剑是任何一个战士能想到的最大恩赐。)\\ 锐雯:"It is not the gift I once thought it was."(我原以为它是恩赐。可它不是。)\\ \\ 马莉特:"Our prized warrior and our prized weapon."(我们珍爱的战士,和武器。)\\ 锐雯:"Is that all I am to you?"(我对你们来说就意味着这个?)\\ ** 敌方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX009.png|狂怒骑士]] ** 马莉特:"The blade belongs to us. **You** belong to us. "(剑属于我们。**你**,属于我们。)\\ 锐雯:"I belong to no one."(我不属于任何人。)\\ \\ 马莉特:"Your blade is the greatest gift a warrior could want."(你的剑是任何一个战士能想到的最大恩赐。)\\ 锐雯:"May it never fall into Noxian hands again."(愿它再不落入诺克萨斯之手。) ==== 升级 ==== "Make these pieces whole."(使碎片重归完整。)\\ "I won’t look back."(我不会回首。)\\ "Even shattered hearts mend in time."(时间甚至能修复破碎的心。)\\ "There is surrender and there is life. I will live."(或降,或争。我会活下去。) "I am reforged."(我已重铸。) ==== 下列法术或技能施放时,锐雯在场 ==== ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX011.png|放逐之锋]](Blade of the Exile) ** ((此为锐雯R技能,国服译名放逐之锋。台服对应卡牌名为放逐之刃。))\\ 锐雯:"The time for talk is over."(闲聊时间已经结束。)((英雄联盟端游中有相同语音,此处取同翻译。))\\ 锐雯:"Reforged... redeemed."(重铸……救赎。)\\ 锐雯:"Really just needed some tape to reassemble."(只需要一些胶带用于复原。)\\ 锐雯:"I know my purpose."(我知道我想要什么。)((英雄联盟端游中有相同语音,此处取同翻译。)) ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX012.png|闪刃碎片]](Glinting Blade Fragment) ** 锐雯:"No turning back now."(覆水难收。) ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX008.png|重刃碎片]](Heavy Blade Fragment) ** 锐雯:"Fly to them on broken wings."(破碎的羽翼仍可飞翔。) ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX010.png|利刃碎片]](Keen Blade Fragment) ** 锐雯:"Even a fragment snuffs out lives."(即使是一块碎片也能取人性命。)\\ 锐雯:"I sense their power."(我感受了到它们的力量。) ==== 攻击 ==== "What conflict awaits."(怎样的战斗在等待着我。)((英雄联盟端游中有相同语音,此处取同翻译。))\\ "Violence to end violence."(以暴止暴。)((英雄联盟端游中有相同语音,此处取同翻译。))\\ "For the lost."(为了已失去的。)((英雄联盟端游中有近似语音“For those who were lost”,即“为了那些已经迷失的人们”,此处未取同翻译。))\\ "The cost of war."(战争的代价。) ==== 阻挡 ==== "No looking back."(不要回首过往。)((英雄联盟端游中有相同语音,此处取同翻译。))\\ "It must be done."(必须有个了断。)\\ "You will not break me."(你击溃不了我。) ==== 另一单位死亡时,锐雯在场 ==== ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX002.png|猎捕手艾瑞儿]] ** 锐雯:"Know peace."(感受安宁。) ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX005.png|残酷猎手]] ** 锐雯:"No more fighting."(不再战斗。) ** 友方[[http://dd.b.pvp.net/2_12_0/set3/zh_tw/img/cards/03NX009.png|狂怒骑士]] ** 锐雯:"Know yourself."(了解你自己。) ====死亡==== 锐雯:"Finally peace."(终于……安宁。)\\ 锐雯:"I failed."(我失败了。) ====倒计时==== === 己方倒计时 === 锐雯:"No more hesitation."(不要犹豫。)((英雄联盟端游中有相同语音,此处取同翻译。)) === 敌方倒计时 === 锐雯:"There's still much to answer for."(还需要许多答案。) ====取消战斗或召唤==== 锐雯:"This too shall pass."(一切都会过去。) ====回到战斗或召唤==== 锐雯:"What is broken - can be reforged."(断剑重铸之日,骑士归来之时。)((英雄联盟端游中有相同语音,此处取同翻译。)) ====胜利==== "I know what I must do."(我知道我必须做什么。)\\ "At last, a way forward."(终于有路前行。) ====失败==== "Broken, never beaten."(虽已破碎,却不会被击垮。)\\ "No, we must start over."(不,我们必须重头来过。)\\ "You cannot break what is already broken."(你无法打破已碎之物。)