

I must become the leader they need.(我必须成为他们所需要的领袖。)
Show them no weakness.(滴水不漏。)
Where they fall, freedom grows.(自由在他们倒下处生长。)
Every blade, every beat in its place.(每片刀刃、每个节拍都已就绪。)
I dance not to forget but to remember.(我起舞不为遗忘,而为铭记。)


艾瑞莉娅:“No mercy for those who desecrate our home.”(绝不宽恕那些亵渎我们家园的人。)
阿兹尔:“They will find our lands do not take well to intruders.”(他们会知道我们的土地不欢迎入侵者。)


阿兹尔:“War is an instrument that can make or destroy its leaders.”(战争是制造或毁灭领袖的工具。)
艾瑞莉娅:“Instruments create beauty, war ends it.”(乐器带来美,而战争扼杀美。)1)


嘉文四世:“Noxus will pay for what they did to your people.”(诺克萨斯会偿还他们对你的人民的罪行。)
艾瑞莉娅:“Yes, Demacian prince, we will see to that.”(是的,德玛西亚的王子。我们会确保这一点。)


艾瑞莉娅:“A true leader marches beside her people.”(真正的领袖会与她的人民一同前行。)
乐芙兰:“So honorable… so naive.”(多么崇高……且天真。)


斯维因:“How long can they resist while their cities crumble?”(当他们的城池陷落,他们还能抵抗多久?)
艾瑞莉娅:“You will never quell our spirit.”(你无法使我们的灵魂屈服。)

斯维因:“Let them find hope in the rubble.”(让他们在碎石块里寻找希望吧。)
艾瑞莉娅:“You dare defile these sacred lands!”(你休想玷污这片神圣的土地!)

友方剑刃之花(Blossoming Blade)出场

艾瑞莉娅:“Ionians, into formation!”(艾欧尼亚人,列阵!)
剑刃之花:“I'd follow you to the black heart of Noxus itself.”(我将追随您,直到诺克萨斯最邪恶之处。)

剑刃之花:“You were always the Elder's favorite student.”(您曾一直是长辈们最喜爱的学生。)
艾瑞莉娅:“And you were mine.”(你也曾是我一直最喜爱的。)

剑刃之花:“We said we'd dance together again some day.”(我们曾说过有一天要相伴共舞。)
艾瑞莉娅:“How could we have known it would be like this?”(却从未想过会想是这样。)

友方战地乐手(Field Musicians)出场

战地乐手:“What shall we play for your dance?”(该以何曲为您伴舞呢?)
艾瑞莉娅:“Play us an anthem of Navori, or the verses you remember.”(纳沃利的国歌,或者你还记着的诗句。)

友方缎带舞者(Ribbon Dancer)出场

缎带舞者:“Stand behind me. They won't hurt you.”(站在我背后。他们伤不到你。)
艾瑞莉娅:“If they hurt you, I'd never forgive myself.”(若他们伤到了你,我将永不原谅我自己。)

友方辛妮亚(Zinneia, Steel Crescendo)出场

艾瑞莉娅:“Zinneia, you are a master of your craft.”(辛尼亚,你的技艺出神入化。)
辛妮亚:“And fate has sent you to give my craft purpose.”(而你是命运赋予我技艺的意义。)


艾瑞莉娅:“My heart weeps for every fallen ally.”(我的心在为每个倒下的战友哭泣。)
阿兹尔 “A leader must see victory beyond each loss.”(领袖必须看到所有损失之上的胜利。)

阿兹尔:“Shurima's legacy will endure!”(恕瑞玛将长存!)
艾瑞莉娅:“We Ionians always remember those who came before us.”(我们艾欧尼亚人永远铭记先烈。)


德莱厄斯:“Mine is the hand of Noxus.”(我是诺克萨斯之手。)
艾瑞莉娅:“Good reason to cut it free.”(这就是为什么要把它砍断。)

德莱厄斯:“I have my orders.”(我得到了命令。)
艾瑞莉娅:“Are you prepared to die for them, Noxian?”(准备好为此受死了吗,诺克萨斯人?)


德莱文:“The party has a-rrived.”(派对现在开始!)
艾瑞莉娅:“I suppose I prefer a clown to a butcher.”(比起屠夫,我更喜欢小丑。)


艾瑞莉娅:“Join us, Prince Jarvan. Dance by our side!”(加入我们,嘉文王子。与我们共舞!)
嘉文四世:“I'm afraid I was born with two left feet. It's a Lightshield thing.“(我恐怕过于笨拙。光盾家族祖传的。)


卡尔玛:”We'll bring peace to Ionia, whatever the cost.“(我们将不计代价为艾欧尼亚带来和平)
艾瑞莉娅:”So many lost. My heart aches.“(失去的太多,我心如刀绞。)

卡尔玛:”Where there is life, there is hope.“(生命即是希望。)
艾瑞莉娅:”We will try to keep hope in our hearts, enlightened one.“(我们会努力心怀希望,天启者。)

卡尔玛:”Ionia speaks through me.“(艾欧尼亚在与我交谈)2)
艾瑞莉娅:”Then tell me when this bloody fight will end.“(那么,这场血腥的战斗何时才能终结?)


艾瑞莉娅:”My family, have you seen them?“(见过我的家人吗?)
羊灵:”Drifting between innocence and consequence.“(在无知与结果中飘荡。)


艾瑞莉娅:”Come face me, deceiver!“(面对我,欺骗者!)3)
乐芙兰:”Patience, dear. Only fools rush in.“(耐心,亲爱的。只有愚者才会着急。)

艾瑞莉娅:”The only honest Noxian is a dead Noxian.“(只有死了的诺克萨斯人才会老实。)
乐芙兰:”(laugh)Now you're getting it.“(笑声。你明白过来了。)

乐芙兰:”Would I lie?“(我会骗你吗?)4)
艾瑞莉娅:”Only while I let you draw breath.“(除非我让你喘口气。)


内瑟斯:”Sorrow weights upon you, but death could bring you peace.“(你背负着悲痛,但死亡能带给你平静。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Not yet, Curator, I am far from done.“(不是现在,死神。我还没完呢。)5)


慎:”Two worlds, one balance.“(两个世界,均衡为一。)
艾瑞莉娅:”How can the balance allow this slaughter?“(均衡怎能容忍这种屠杀?)

慎:”The balance requires a watchful eye.“(均衡需要警醒之眼。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Ionia needs brave hearts and able hands too.“(艾欧尼亚人还需要勇敢的心及得力的手。)


斯维因:”By my hand will Noxus rise.“(我将一手带领诺克萨斯崛起。)
艾瑞莉娅:”And by our blades will it fall.“(而我们的剑刃会让它崩塌。)

斯维因:”Loyalty through conquest.“(征服带来忠诚。)
艾瑞莉娅:”We will never bow to tyrants like you.“(我们绝不会屈服于你这样的暴君。)

艾瑞莉娅:”Noxians on our shores!?“(海岸上有诺克萨斯人?!)
斯维因:”Bring these lands to their knees.“(让这片土地屈服。)


劫:”Pledge yourself to the shadows.“(献身于暗影吧。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Noxian tyranny has already forged our bond.“(诺克萨斯人的暴政早已铸就我们之间的联系。)

敌方奥洛·烁角(Aurok Glinthorn)

奥洛·烁角:”Take their land, bury them in it.“(夺走他们的土地,在那儿埋了他们。)
艾瑞莉娅:”This land knows its own, you will not have it.“(这片土地有自己的意志。你夺不走它。)

奥洛·烁角:”Empire! Battle by battle.“(帝国!战事不休。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Resistance! Day by day.“(反抗!绝不停歇!)


剑刃之花:”My heart races… what if I falter?“(我的心狂跳不止……如果我动摇了怎么办?)
艾瑞莉娅:”If you fall, I will always catch you.“(如果你倒下,我一定会找到你。)

剑刃之花:”Our enemies approach… my hands are shaking.“(敌人在前进……我的手在抖。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Then hold on to mine. We will face them together.“(抓住我的手。我们一起迎击。)

艾瑞莉娅:”I wish I could give you silks, but I must give you steel.“(我多希望我能给你绸缎,而非钢铁。)
剑刃之花:”Stay by my side. I cannot ask for more.“(请一直在我身边。这就够了。)

剑刃之花:”What terrors must we face out here?“(我们会遇到怎样的恐怖?)
艾瑞莉娅:”Whatever they are, we face them together, little blossom.“(不管是什么,我们共同面对。)

友方沿岸守军 (Coastal Defender)

沿岸守军:”Generations tended this land. I cannot leave.“(我们世代照料这片土地。我不能离开。)
艾瑞莉娅:”We must retreat for now, but I promise we'll return.“(现在我们必须暂时撤退,但我保证我们会回来。)

沿岸守军:”Spear or scythe, shovel or spear, we will fight.“(矛、镰刀、铲子。我们抗争到底。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Your courage runs deep as the willow's root.“(你的勇气如柳树根一样坚定。)


战地乐手:”The enemy approaches the painted shores.“(敌人正朝海岸涌来。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Play the song of the fallen, so they might witness our fight.“(演奏已逝去之人的曲子吧,好让他们见证我们的战斗。)

战地乐手:”The enemy has reached the soaring hills.“(敌人已经占领高山。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Let them come, our blades will greet them.“(让他们放马过来,我们的剑刃会问候他们。)

敌方帝国炸弹工兵(Imperial Demolitionist)

帝国炸弹工兵:”For the empire!“(为了帝国!)
艾瑞莉娅:”So young, already so wicked.“(这么小,就这么邪恶。)

帝国炸弹工兵:”Remember the objectives.“(记住目标。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Murder the innocent, and destroy their homes?“(谋杀无辜之人,并毁了他们的家园?)


艾瑞莉娅:”Shoulders set, blades sharpened, plant that lead foot! “(肩端,刃厉,落足要稳!)
缎带舞者:”Don't worry. I've danced this a hundred times.“(放心。我已经跳了无数次。)


预言家:”Blessings of Water and Shade to you!“(水与阴影赐福于你!)
艾瑞莉娅:”In times like these I'll take all the help we can get.“(这种时候,我接受一切帮助。)

敌方海王号(The Leviathan)

6) 海王号:”For Conquest! For Empire!“(征服!帝国!)

海王号:”Destination in sight!“(目的地就在眼前!)
艾瑞莉娅:”Leave these shores!“(滚出这片海岸!)

友方重生者宣使(Voice of the Risen)

艾瑞莉娅:”Speaker, you've joined us in dangerous times.“(你在危险关头加入了我们,使者。)
重生者宣使:”This, too, is a story we must remember.“(这也是我们必须记住的故事。)


艾瑞莉娅:”As a child, I watched you dance at the Placidium every spring.“(我小时候,每个春天都会看你在普雷西典跳舞。)
辛妮亚:”It was your bravery that brought me to the fight.“(是你的勇气使我加入战斗。)

敌方披甲角兽骑兵(Armored Tuskrider)

艾瑞莉娅:”What have they done to those poor creatures?“(他们对这些可怜的生物做了什么?)
艾瑞莉娅:”Noxians corrupt all they touch.“(诺克萨斯人碰到的一切都会腐化!)


艾瑞莉娅:”Slither out from your machines, Noxian cowards!“(滚出你们的机器,诺克萨斯懦夫!)
艾瑞莉娅:”O-ma… Wherever you are, look away.“(奶奶……无论你在哪儿,别看这里。)
艾瑞莉娅:”You attack us with our own land…?“(你竟用我们的土地来攻打我们……?)

敌方幽铁弩炮(Iron Ballista)

艾瑞莉娅:”Machines of death have no place here.“(这里没有死亡机器的位置。)
艾瑞莉娅:”The flowing plains desecrated with your engines.“(你的引擎玷污了这片土地。)

“We were born in the First Lands, and we will defend them until the end.”(我们在初生之土出生,并将守护它直至最后。)
“With me! Today is the day we reclaim our homeland!”(跟上我!今天我们将收复故土!)
“Remember our ancestors and fight for those who came before us!”(铭记我们的祖先,为先烈们而战!)
“We dance to the drums of war and all our hearts beat as one!”(我们随战鼓而舞,心跳如一!)

敌方解脱之触(Death's Hand)((此为斯维因Q技能,国服译名解脱之触。台服对应卡牌名为灵魂拷问。))

艾瑞莉娅:”Wicked magic from a wicked creature.“
艾瑞莉娅:”You drain life from all you touch.“

友方先锋之刃(Vanguard's Edge)((此为艾瑞莉娅R技能,国服译名先锋之刃。台服对应卡牌名为护剑化形。))

艾瑞莉娅:”Ionia still stands!“(艾欧尼亚昂扬不灭!)7)
艾瑞莉娅:”Bring the fight to them!“(与他们战斗!)

“Fight for the first land!”(为初生之土而战!)8)
“Battle stances!”(战斗形态!)9)
“Follow my lead!”(跟上我的步伐!)10)
“Navori, formations!”(纳沃利,列阵!)
“Align around me.”(与我团结一致。)

艾瑞莉娅:”Turn back, trespassers!“(回去,侵略者!)
艾瑞莉娅:”Your rhythm's off.“(你的节奏断了。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Mind your form.“(注意你的形态。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Take your place!“(认清你的处境!)
艾瑞莉娅:”You're on the back foot!“(你在下风!)


艾瑞莉娅:”Another hand severed.“(切断另一只手。)
艾瑞莉娅:”The mighty fall.“(巨人倒下了。)


艾瑞莉娅:”Words couldn't match steel.“(言语胜不过钢铁。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Stay silent.“(保持安静。)


艾瑞莉娅:”Can't cheat death.“(骗不过死亡。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Found the real one.“(找到真身了。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Death's an ugly truth.“(死亡是丑陋的真话。)


艾瑞莉娅:”Your past caught up.“(过去抓住了你。)


艾瑞莉娅:”Leave the corpse to his birds.“(把他的尸体留给他的鸟。)
艾瑞莉娅:”A meager penance.“(无用的忏悔。)


艾瑞莉娅:”We'll dance again.“(我们会再度共舞。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Not you!“(不!)
艾瑞莉娅:”I'll always catch you.“(我还会找到你的。)


艾瑞莉娅:”Your sacrifice mattered.“(你不会白白牺牲。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Rest on your soil.“(在你的土壤中安息。)


艾瑞莉娅:”Songs linger on the wind.“(歌声随风而行。)
艾瑞莉娅:”A final dirge.“(最后的挽歌。)


艾瑞莉娅:”So young.“(如此年轻。)
艾瑞莉娅:”How many more?“(还有多少?)


艾瑞莉娅:”A legend falls.“(一位传奇陨落。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Your story lives on.“(你的故事还将继续。)

艾瑞莉娅:”Can't fail them…“(不能令他们失望……)
艾瑞莉娅:”My homeland…“(我的故乡……)


艾瑞莉娅:”Hurry. They await our signal.“(快。他们在等我们的信号。)
艾瑞莉娅:”Step, strike, left foot, strike, right foot, strike, turn.“(停顿,攻击,左脚,攻击,右脚,攻击,转身。)


艾瑞莉娅:”They've missed their beats.“(他们乱了节拍。)

“Fight for the First Lands.”(为初生之土而战。)

“Very well, I've always led alone.”(很好。我总是独自领导一切。)

“Invaders, leave this place and never return.”(侵略者,离开此地,别再回来。)
“Our home, our ancestors are safe once more.”(我们的家园与祖先再次获得平安。)

“Gather the fallens. We will honor their sacrifices.”(安葬死者。我们将纪念他们的牺牲。)
“This will not be our end.”(这不会是我们的结局。)
“While I still draw breath, this is not over.”(只要我还有一丝呼吸,这事就不会停止。)

2) , 4) , 7) , 8) , 10)
内瑟斯的英文称号为“the Curator of the Sands”,对应翻译为“死神”,此处取该意。
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